News of the Action

CfP for the journal “Media Studies”: Special issue on "Critical insights in European media literacy research and policy"

Guest editors: Sonia Livingstone, María del Mar Grandío, Tao Papaioannou, and Christine Wijnen

call for papers - Media, technology and the migrant family: Media uses, appropriations and articulations in a culturally diverse Europe

Media, technology and the migrant family: Media uses, appropriations and articulations in a culturally diverse Europe

Guest Editors: Cristina Ponte & Myria Georgiou

Within the Cost Action IS0906, Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies,

CfP The Journal of Technology in Human Services

Task Force "Methods" from WG3 has issued a CfP for The Journal of Technology in Human Services.
Contributions from COST members are most welcome!

Call for Papers: The methodological synergies of multimethod audience research

Special Issue of “Participations. Journal of audience and reception studies”

WG2 - Interview essays

WG2 announces a new publication - Interview essays

Table of contents:
"Effect of Audience Participation in CSO Communication"
Name of the Author (Interviewer: Nora Nyiro
Name of the Interviewee: Agnes Urban
"CSOs communication strategies and Audience Participation"
Name of the Author (Interviewer): Michele Marmino
Name of the Interviewee: Mario Petitto
"Activating The Audience in Times of Compassion Fatigue"
Name of the Author (Interviewer): Stijn Joye
Name of the Interviewee: Philippe Henon
"Croatian civil society and media from the perspective of two civil

WG4 Proposal: Social integration in a cosmopolitan Europe: exploring media uses among immigrant families

Ideas for a research proposal crossing WG4 Task Forces and extended to other participants in the COST ACTION.

Cristina Ponte (with contributions from Piermarco Aroldi, Nelly Elias, Alexander Dhoest, Marta Cola, Dafna Lemish, Katia Mihailova, Sascha Trultzsch, and Ute Navidi)

Key words: Media, Audiences, Social integration, Immigrant Families, Europe

Extended Deadline for CfP

CYBERSPACE has been extended.
The topic of the special issue is "Generations and mediated relations"
The new deadlines are:
• Extended abstract submission deadline - 10 October
• Notification of acceptance - 10 November
• Full paper submission deadline - 10 March
• Publications of the special issue: autumn/winter 2012

Co-authoring grants - First call for applications

The COST Action Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies, is inviting members applications to co-authoring grants.

As explained in the call provided in attachment to this webpage, the aim of co-authoring grants is to support co-authoring projects among/across the task forces of the Action. They must be used by Action members to prepare joint COST publications such as journal articles and book chapters.

The first co-authoring meetings must be held in Brussels on April 13-14 2011, after the Action workshop on April 12-13, 2011.

CfP: “Audiences: a cross generational dialogue” - A faculty-mentored cross-generational doctoral workshop on audiences and audience research

Organised by YECREA and COST Action IS0906 Transforming Audiences Transforming Societies
Presented in collaboration with ECREA (Audience and Reception Studies section)

New COST publication - Media literacy: Ambitions, policies and measures

European scholars and policy stakeholders are concerned that, in an ever-more complex digital media ecology, the demands on audiences to become media literate are growing. While stakeholders work to develop new initiatives, academic research is vital both to inform and critique. Entitled "Media literacy: Ambitions, policies and measures" and edited by Sonia Livingstone, this report brings together experts from different perspectives to generate a timely account of media literacy in Europe.