WG 3 “The role of media and ICT use for evolving social relationships”

WG 3 “The role of media and ICT use for evolving social relationships” investigates relationships in a wide range of media, combining on the one hand the interpersonal dimension of social relationships with a mass communication dimension, and, on the other hand, ‘traditional’ media (such as television, newspapers) with ‘new’ media (i.e. ICT).

WG 3 chair:
Frauke Zeller (University College London, UK, fraukezeller @ gmail.com)

WG 3 vice chairs:
Nicoletta Vittadini (Catholic University Milan, Italy, nicoletta.vittadini @ unicatt.it)
Jakob Linaa Jensen (Aarhus University, Denmark, linaa @ imv.au.dk)

We have currently three active Task Forces in WG3:

“Old” & “New” Media: Theoretical and Technological Perspectives
Task force leaders: J. Ignacio Gallego, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain,
with Brian O'Neill, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland

New media, new methodological approaches: Methodological horizons of social relationships and ICT
Task force leader: Jakob Linaa Jensen, University of Aarhus, Denmark
with Klaus Bredl, University of Augsburg, Germany

Generations and Mediated Relationships
Task force leaders: Andra Siibak, University of Tartu, Estonia,
with Nicoletta Vittadini, Catholic University of Milan, Italy

For more information on each TF, please see the attached file.

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