News of the Action

New WG4 special issue: Children’s Cultures and Media Cultures

New special issue of the COST Action Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies:

Children’s Cultures and Media Cultures
Edited by Piermarco Aroldi and Cristina Ponte
Special issue 29, VIII, 2013

Free download at:

CfP: Media Literacy in Digital Age – Cultural, Economic and Political Perspective (deadline February 28, 2014)


Under the High Auspices of the President of the Republic of Croatia Prof. Ivo Josipović
Centre for Croatian Studies, Department of Communication Sciences,
in Cooperation with the Electronic Media Council
is Organizing
an International Scientific Conference

“Media Literacy in Digital Age – Cultural, Economic and Political Perspective”

Zagreb, June 6-7, 2014

COST Action conference in Ljubljana: final programme available online!

The programme of the conference is now available at:

"The future of audience research: Agenda, theory and societal significance" is presented in collaboration with ECREA (Audience and Reception Studies section), IAMCR (Audience section) and ICA (Communication and Technology division & Mass Communication division), and will be held at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, on February 5-7, 2014.

New COST special issue: New media, audience and emotional connectivity

New media, audience and emotional connectivity
Edited by Hada M. Sánchez Gonzales
Sociedad de la Información
Nr. 44, 2013

Free download at:

This special issue is resulting from the work of the Working Group 2 on “Audience interactivity and participation” of the COST Action IS0906 “Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies”. COST is an intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and Technology, allowing the coordination of nationally-funded research at the European level.

New COST Action report: Media literacy research and policy in Europe: A review of recent, current and planned activities

Just published: "Media literacy research and policy in Europe: A review of recent, current and planned activities."

Invitation to attend the conference Online journalism and its publics (Brussels, December 4-6)

We are pleased to invite you to attend the conference Online journalism and its publics, to be held in Brussels from 4 to 6 December.

You can find the detailed program at this address:

The opening conference (in partnership with the Belgian Association of Professional Journalists) will take place Wednesday, December 4 at the Maison des journalistes, at 18h, with a debate between researchers and professionals, followed up with a cheerful cocktail. The scientific sessions will be held Thursday 5 and Friday 6 at Campus Solbosch ULB.

COST special issue of the Czech journal Medialni studia (Media Studies) focusing on post-socialist media audiences

The special issue of the Czech journal Medialni studia (Media Studies) focusing on post-socialist media audiences has been published!

The journal is published by Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague. The special issue is one of the outputs of COST Action IS0609 Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies and was supported by Czech funding scheme COST CZ LD1175. It was edited by Irena Reifova and Tereza Pavlickova (both Charles University in Prague).

CfP COST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE (NEW) AUDIENCE PRACTICES (deadline for submission 15 January 2014)


Research line “Media, Technology, Contexts”
CECC|FCH – Catholic University of Portugal - Lisbon
3 and 4 April 2014

COST Conference 'The future of audience research": Registration is open!

Open Conference of the COST Action IS0906 Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies:

The future of audience research: Agenda, theory and societal significance

Presented in collaboration with ECREA (Audience and Reception Studies section), IAMCR (Audience section) and ICA (Communication and Technology division & Mass Communication division)

University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, February 5-7, 2014

The COST Action ‘Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies’ at the COST Science Night 2013

COST Science Night 2013 provided EU policymakers and representatives of the European institutions, the scientific community and the press the opportunity to meet researchers leading selected COST Actions, who showcased their cutting edge work in a number of scientific fields and explained how the pan-European science and technology networks supported by COST contribute to addressing key global scientific and societal challenges.