Workplan for the second grant period (May 1st, 2011 - April 30, 2012)


During the first grant period, the Action has focused on the tasks 1 and 2 of the workplan as laid down in the MoU (i.e. reviewing relevant initiatives and defining a concerted research agenda). During the second grant period, the Action will focus on the task 3 of the workplan, i.e. scoping audience transformations. This third task will consist in accumulating and integrating research results. Participants will share, comment and combine new empirical findings in order to build a coherent knowledge of European audience transformations and interconnected changes in social, cultural and political areas. The point will be to build up a comprehensive picture of the roles of (new) media and communication technologies at the individual, group and societal levels, without neglecting the contextual and country-specific factors that shape audience and society transformations. This task will be carried out in collaboration with the non-academic target groups of the Action.


Four STSM grants will be awarded to (early-stage) researchers who would like to develop or implement innovative approaches to audiences in collaboration with scholars from another country. Moreover, two STSM grants will be awarded to two PhD students (who are members of the Action) in order for them to attend the ECREA Doctoral Summer School, to be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on 14-27 August 2011 (see The Action is an official affiliated partner of the Summer School.

SG meeting
The Steering Group will meet in order to coordinate the works of the WGs, revise the overall workplan according to the progresses achieved so far, and prepare the decisions to be made by the MC regarding the work and budget plan.

PhD Cross-Generational Workshop
The proposed workshop, to be held in Brussels on April 11, 2012, is intended as a cross-generational space where audience scholars from three distinct generations come together to discuss theoretical and empirical implications of audience transformations. The workshop will be focused on the doctoral research of PhD students working on any aspect of audiences and/or users, and will be mentored by scholars from the two preceding generations. (In collaboration with the Young Scholars Network of ECREA, and the Audience and Reception Studies section of ECREA.)

Transforming Audiences 3 conference
The international conference Transforming Audiences 3 is presented by the Communications and Media Research Institute (CAMRI) at the University of Westminster, in association with the COST Action 'Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies'. As part of the Action's workplan, the TA3 conference will feed the work of the Action with up-to-date researches in the field, provide the Action members with the opportunity to present and discuss their work with other experts in the field, and reinforce the international visibility and the networking capacity of the Action.

MC meeting
The MC will meet in London, on August 31st 2011, order to ensure the long-term planning and the overall coordination of the project. The MC will also make the strategically crucial decisions regarding the scientific programme and the dissemination plan, and supervise the activities of the WGs. The MC meeting will focus on the third period of activity.

WG meetings
- On August 31, 2011 (London), the WGs will engage in the tasks 3 of the Action (cf. above): they will discuss audience transformations relevant to their research agenda, and decide on publication and conference plans to disseminate their work.
- On April 11-13, 2012 (Brussels), the WGs will follow up on the work initiated in August 2011. A special emphasis will be put on the preparation of an edited book focused on audience transformations. The WGs will also meet with representatives of the non-academic groups (policy makers, regulatory bodies, industry, NGOs, citizen initiatives) in order to follow up on the dialogue that was initiated in Zagreb. Special emphasis will be put on developing concrete plans for future collaboration.

Co-authoring Meeting
The aim of the co-authoring meeting is to bring together Action members working on a joint publication (scholarly article, book chapter, edited book). The co-authoring meeting will be combined with the WG meetings in Brussels in order to reduce the expenses. Co-authoring funding will consist in one additional hotel night and the corresponding meals.


First edited volume
An edited book will bring together the best methodological papers that where presented in the Action Conference in Zagreb, on April 7-9, 2011.

Special issues of journals
During the second grant period, it is planned to prepare at least one special issue of a journal per WG. Depending on the time needed to finalize the issues, these will be published in the end of the second grant period or early in the third grant period.

Panel presentations in external conferences
The WGs will present their work in international conferences such as the IAMCR conference (July 2011) and the Transforming Audiences 3 conference (September 2011).

Research report
The 59 national essays on existing and emerging audience research (available on the Action website at will be assembled in a research report that will also include an introductory and a concluding sections. The research report will be published online early in the second grant period.

The newsletter will focus on past and future activities of the Action, as well as on the key achievements of the WGs (e.g. publications). It will be widely distributed to any people interested in the Action.

Action website
The website will continue to be regularly updated with diverse materials related to the Action's work.

Selected authors (e.g. academics, industry representatives, policy makers, regulatory body officers) will publish short and concise essays about audience and reception studies. The essays, which will be available on the Action website, will stimulate interaction between the Action's target groups, as various stakeholders will be invited to comment shortly on the essays.