Call for individual reports on “The significance of our research for social practice”

PDF in attachment to this webpage.

The final task of the Action consists of relating academic research within the Action to the field of social practice. Specifically, participants will reflect on the significance of their research results for state, civil society and industry.

The Action will submit an overall report, which will be compiled in three steps:

STEP 1: Individual reports from each Action member (3 pages) by March 1, 2013

(The task force leaders prepare a presentation for the Tampere meeting, which integrates inputs relevant to their task force topic)

STEP 2: Task force reports from the 13 task forces (8 pages) by September 1, 2013

STEP 3: Action report by December 31, 2013

This call concerns the first step, the individual reports.

Action members are asked to write individual reports related to the WG topic they belong to:
- New media genres, media literacy and trust in the media (WG1),
- Audience interactivity and participation (WG2),
- The role of media and IC use for evolving social relationships (WG3), and
- Audience transformations and social integration (WG4).

The individual reports should address the following question:

“How my research has been useful, or could be useful, for which stakeholders in the field?”

The report should relate to (one aspect of) the WG topic and target the stakeholders that the authors think are relevant. Possible stakeholders are:
- State (policy makers, regulatory bodies, etc.)
- Civil society (general public, journalists, associations of viewers and listeners, NGOs, community media, etc.)
- Market (research departments of media companies, commercial/applied research, etc.)

In the individual reports, the members will identify stakeholders that they think are relevant for their field, consider main issues, achievements and results of their field and then make conclusions about practical relevance, for example:
- what we think these stakeholders need to know about our field,
- which issues need to be resolved,
- which types of further research stakeholders may need to improve their work,
- which questions are still unanswered,
- examples of how one’s own research was helpful for stakeholders,
- examples of how one’s own research could be useful for stakeholders in the future.


The individual reports should not be longer than three pages (Times New Roman 12, single spacing).

1st March 2013

The individual reports will have to be submitted to the WG chairs:

WG 1 “New Media Genres, Media Literacy, and Trust in the Media”
chair: Kim Schrøder: kimsc @

WG 2 “Audience interactivity and participation”
chair: Nico Carpentier: nico.carpentier @

WG 3 “The role of media and ICT use for evolving social relationships”
chair: Frauke Zeller: fraukezeller @

WG 4 “Audience transformations and social integration”
chair: Cristina Ponte: cristina.ponte @

Questions about this call can be asked:
- to Geoffroy Patriarche (patriarche @ if they concern the procedure;
- to the WG chair if they concern the scope and content of the report.

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