WG2 special issue on "Networked belonging and networks of belonging" available online

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that (OBS*) Observatorio journal's special issue “Networked belonging and networks of belonging” is now available. This special issue results from the work of Working Group 2, Task Force 3 of the COST Action IS0906 “Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies”.

COST is an intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and Technology, allowing the coordination of nationally-funded research at the European level.

(OBS*) Observatorio e-journal is a publication with international character, which accepts and publishes texts written in Portuguese, Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Italian, French and English.

We hope you will find this special issue both interesting and informative, and we look forward to your future contributions.

Manuel José Damásio and Paula Cordeiro
Special Issue Editors

Gustavo Cardoso and Rita Espanha
Editors of (OBS*) Observatorio

Tiago Lima
Journal Manager

Nico Carpentier
Chair of Working Group 2 of the Cost Action IS0906 “Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies”


Observatorio (OBS*)
OBS* Special Issue `Networked belonging and networks of Belonging´ - COST ACTION IS0906

Table of Contents


Manuel José Damásio, Paula Cordeiro

Enhancing Family Cohesion through Web-Based Communication: Analysis of Online Communication Practices in Estonian Families
Andra Siibak, Virge Tamme

Publicidade Digital nas homepages dos diários generalistas portugueses: os casos do Correio da Manhã, Diário de Notícias e Público
Sonia Pedro Sebastião, Manuel Valença, Marta Miranda, Ruben Carvalho, Vanessa Vieira Dias

Serialized Participatory Culture: The Digital Transformation of Youth Audiences
Carla Ganito, Catarina Duff Burnay, Cátia Ferreira

Communication models of civil society organizations in Croatia
Dina Vozab

Participatory or Vicarious? When Networked Belonging Challenges Networks of Belonging
Knut Lundby

Belonging to a community: forms of technological mediated belonging
Manuel José Damásio, Sara Henriques, Conceição Costa

Becoming a ‘tweep’. Networks of affiliation and relational pressures on Twitter
Stine Lomborg

Ciberactivismo y redes sociales. El uso de facebook por uno de los colectivos impulsores de la ‘spanish revolution’, Democracia Real Ya (DRY).
Teresa Piñeiro-Otero, Carmen Costa Sánchez

Networked audiences and small scale groups’ belongings: viewing, sharing and archiving TV content in the Italian social media scenario
Francesca Pasquali

Networked Life world: new network actors and cultures
Gustavo Cardoso

Social Networks Scopophilic dimension – social belonging through spectatorship
Samuel Mateus

Radio and the consolidation of Portuguese identity: a critical assessment of compliance monitoring by the ERC
Mariana Lameiras de Sousa, Helena Sousa