‘Mediating Diaspora, Identity and Ethnicity: An Interview with Myria Georgiou’

Georgiou, M. (2011). ‘Mediating Diaspora, Identity and Ethnicity: An Interview with Myria Georgiou’. Platform: Journal of Media and Communication , 3(1), 54-59.


Abstract: Myria Georgiou is noted for her influential and longstanding theorisation on diaspora, media and identity, including the first mapping of diasporic media in the European Union, together with Roger Silverstone. She has also authored a significant number of books covering areas such as transnationalism and diasporic media (2007a; 2007b; 2006), national identity and ethnicity (2008b; 2006), media and urban life (2008a); and mediations of ethnicity and race (2010; 2009).