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Virtual shadowing and social networking studies
Vittadini, N., Pasquali, F., (2011). Virtual shadowing and social networking studies . Zagreb conference: "New challenges and methodological innovations in European media audience research". 7-9 April 2011.
Abstract: The paper will present a set of ethnographic methodologies applied to the study of social network use among adolescents. Adolescents, despite the increasing relevance of different age groups in social media use, represent an interesting research topicbecause they are characterized by a specific culture (generational belonging, young culture, digital nativity) where social media use occupies a specific role and has a specific meaning (Colombo & Fortunati, 2010) (Castells, 2008) (Prensky, 2001). Adolescents use the whole set of digital media as a repertory of sociality tools that they activate and manage according to different needs (Pasquali, Scifo, & (eds), 2010) and they act as nomadic and productive users. Researching on social media use implies, then, the application of a set of different methodologies. Beside the reference on quantitative data and statistics (that will be discussed in the paper) an ethnographic methodology will be presented. This methodology has been applied in different researches carried on by OssCom (Research center on media and communication of the Catholic University of Milan) and can be called “virtual shadowing”. It integrates a multilevel digital ethnography (following users in their movements through spaces and devices) and the productive involvement of interviewees (for example blogs on one’s digital mediated communication practices or visual productions – photo or video- about them). The paper will present and discuss some applications of this methodology.