El entretenimiento televisivo. Un estudio de audiencia desde la noción de gusto

Grandio, M. (2009). El entretenimiento televisivo. Un estudio de audiencia desde la noción de gusto. Comunicación y Sociedad, 2(22).


Abstract: Within the Reception Studies debate, this article explores the concept of pleasure applied into this high-rated American television comedy. Key vectors of inquiry will be: audience’ uses of this show, perceived characters’ attributes and spectators’ attitude to the representation of values. Ideas like fast consume and gratification, partial identification with the characters and the attraction to a pleasant fictional world will explain the television experience of these fans regarding a suggested concept of liking within the current popular culture. This article draws upon a very large data. It uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to study the distinctive viewing of the Spanish fans of this TV sitcom. In the first phase, existing data comes from 2.494 online questionnaires. This analysis provides a context for the qualitative data that is based on two focus groups and ten in-depth interviews.