New media experiences, communication networks and changing social relations in Turkey

Turkoglu, N., Ece Algan, Sevilen Alayoglu, Esengul Ayyildiz, Yavuz Kerem Demirbas, Bora Altun (2010). New media experiences, communication networks and changing social relations in Turkey. Not listed..

Abstract: This panel explores the use of new media and the proliferation of communication networks in Turkey. It surveys a wide variety of new media experiences in Turkey and their social implications, such as the economic and cultural consequences of file sharing of films on the internet, alternative journalism methods and practices by ideological groups, political and social significance of a new Armenian video game, women’s movement and communication networks etc. The panel seeks to understand the impact of globalization, the role of new media in social change, the experience of modernity and the negotiation of cultural identities in Turkey.