- About the Action
- Events
- PhD workshop - Ljubljana 2014
- Action Open Conference - Ljubljana 2014
- New Media and Participation conference - Istanbul 2013
- Belgrade meeting 2013
- Media literacy research and policy - Brussels 2013
- ICA Pre-Conference 2013
- Tampere meeting 2013
- Budapest workshop 2012
- Milan meeting 2012
- Brussels PhD workshop 2012
- Brussels Action workshop 2012
- London meeting 2011
- Zagreb Conference 2011
- Lisbon meeting 2010
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- Output
COST Call for Short Term Scientific Missions
The COST Action IS0906 “Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies” invites members’ applications to the call for Short Term Scientific Missions (exchange visits).
Goals of a STSM
The aim of a Short-Term Scientific Mission (STSM) shall be to contribute to the scientific objectives of a COST Action. These Missions, or exchange visits, are aimed at strengthening the existing networks by allowing scientists (members of the COST Action IS0906) to go to an institution or research centre in another COST member state to foster collaboration, to learn a new method, to make empirical research or to prepare joint publications. They are particularly intended for early stage researchers. An Action participant fits the definition of “early-stage researcher” if the time that elapses between the date of the end of the PhD and the date of involvement in the COST Action is no longer than 8 years. PhD students are also eligible for STSMs.
Please see the full call in attachment to this webpage.
Deadline for applications: 15 September 2013
Notification of acceptance: 20 September 2013
Period of STSMs: between 1 October 2013 and 20 January 2014
Contact person: STSM Coordinator, Nora Nyiro (nora.nyiro @ uni-corvinus.hu)
Attachment | Size |
STSM_call_2013_14_1_final.pdf | 91.25 KB |